Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ethnographies and opinions.



A - I believe it does have an impact, but i'm not quite sure whether it is a positive or negative impact yet.

B - I do believe it's a benefit. It provides a unique insight into other views and thought processes.

C - I would like to think so.

D - I would recommend this type of class structure. It to me is interesting and helps reinforce learning by easily providing links to online readings.


li Bird said...

I like the article you picked; I think that it really gave good information about RPG players. The only thing is that it really is missing a lot of things an ethnography needs. Like interviews or first hand experiences. But the most important part is that it helps you with your ethnography.

Andrea Stemaly said...

I agree with Anne; this is more of an introduction to an ethnography than a sample of one.